Free: Adenium Obesum "OZONE" Desert Rose Rare (4) - Gardening Seeds & Bulbs - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: Adenium Obesum "OZONE" Desert Rose Rare (4)

Adenium Obesum "OZONE" Desert Rose Rare (4)
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The listing, Adenium Obesum "OZONE" Desert Rose Rare (4) has ended.

You are bidding on 4 seeds of the Adenium Obesum Desert Rose Rare seeds GIN For 7 Seed.
You need to go to www.howtoplantmydesertrose for the best information as to how to take care of your desert rose seeds and plant once you have them.
Cover seeds with 1/4 well draining soil & keep lightly moist but not wet. After your plant has three or four rows of leaves you can move to its own pot about a three or four inch pot. When it out grows that pot then you can move it to a larger pot.
Germination 5-15+ days 3-5 feet tall. Full Sun
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Adenium Obesum "OZONE" Desert Rose Rare (4) is in the Home & Garden | Gardening | Gardening Seeds & Bulbs category