It has a piece in one end that hooks to the hard drive. Please look at the specifics on the label, I'm not a tech person and I don't want to mislead anyone about how it works. I know you slide the drive onto the end piece and then hook the USB to the computer you're plugging into. Other than that, I'm lost!
Enclosure would be the key word here. Take an old SATA hard drive and slap her in or go buy a new one and do the same and bam, instant external drive. Sata is the connections that look like 2 "L"s kind of like this ---, ,-------- It'll take any capacity hard drve you put in it. I'm curous as to why your old hard drive didn't fit? Did you forget to take the carriage off? Nice auction!
Carriage was off -- drive was just a hair wider than the opening in the enclosure. And, even if I did get it to slide in, the connections were wrong -- the drive is old, old, old and doesn't match well to much of anything. Still trying --