Free: Nina Ricci Paris Parfum - Fragrances - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: Nina Ricci Paris Parfum

Nina Ricci Paris Parfum
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The listing, Nina Ricci Paris Parfum has ended.

This is a new bottle of Nina Ricci Parfum 1/5 oz. Brand new in the box. The only problem is the box has a little water damage. I took pictures of this so you can see. Due to the design on the box its really had to tell. This would make a excellent stocking stuffer.


♥ Please be considerate and Do Not Bid if you have a hectic schedule that will prevent you from hitting the "GOT IT" button when your items arrive♥

•★• Take a look at my other auctions. I have something for everyone AND always reasonable GIN •★•

♥~ You MUST send me a VERIFIED address. I will not ship otherwise. I will keep your credits after 7 days. :-( I'd rather send you your item so, please be verified by the end of the auction. Thanks so much and GOOD LUCK BIDDING ~♥

■☆ Please remember, I have 7 days to ship your item ☆■
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Nina Ricci Paris Parfum is in the Health & Beauty | Fragrances category