Free: 160 New Colorful Bracelets & Anklets - Bracelets - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: 160 New Colorful Bracelets & Anklets

160 New Colorful Bracelets & Anklets
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The listing, 160 New Colorful Bracelets & Anklets has ended.

A Huge lot of 160 brand new colorful fun beads strung on elastic to be used for bracelets, anklets, purse jewelry, and crafts of any kind. A selection of 16 colors, 10 bracelets in each color. Or if you prefer, you can have all 160 bracelets in one or two colors.
Perhaps you prefer school or spirit colors or team colors.
Unless you specify colors, I will send an assortment.
The beads can be easily removed from the clear elastic bands to make any jewelry or craft project of your own creation.
Fits 3.5" to 6".
Matching necklaces available as well!
Weight is 8 oz from zip 75080, to calculate shipping.
If you get both 160 bracelets and 160 necklaces, shipping for all 320 pieces is a combined flat rate.
Thanks for looking!
Questions & Comments
how much to get it all?
Aug 5th, 2011 at 4:17:06 PM PDT by
Picture?type=square&access token=105469222550%7cd qfyki0ggnddypmnoq3ykmtsyq
so if i win the necklaces and bracelets... the shipping for all will only be 5.50? thanks for posting these auctions.... i love them :)
Aug 5th, 2011 at 9:33:18 PM PDT by
if you have more can you sell 16 at a time plz I really need it and I saw it in another auction and I can't afford shipping nor 160 bracelets
Aug 6th, 2011 at 6:54:57 AM PDT by

160 New Colorful Bracelets & Anklets is in the Jewelry & Watches | Bracelets category