Free: Kentucky Wonder Pole Bean Seeds packed for 2015 -guaranteed fresh - Gardening Seeds & Bulbs - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: Kentucky Wonder Pole Bean Seeds packed for 2015 -guaranteed fresh

Kentucky Wonder Pole  Bean Seeds packed for 2015 -guaranteed fresh
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The listing, Kentucky Wonder Pole Bean Seeds packed for 2015 -guaranteed fresh has ended.

Kentucky wonder pole bean seeds
Heavy-yielding plants!
Mouth-watering pods are 9 inches long and stuffed with brown seeds!
65 days. This is the classic green-podded pole bean, gardeners' choice for generations! The reason is simple: mouth-watering flavor that just won't quit! The pods are 9 inches long and bulging with succulent brown seeds--that meaty, extra-"beany" taste that can only come from the home garden! The plants bear big crops, too, so you get plenty of beans all season long!

Many gardeners prefer pole beans for their distinctive "beany" flavor. Because they use vertical space, they free up the horizontal rows in the vegetable garden for other varieties while bearing abundant harvests. They're easier than bush beans to harvest as well. Direct-sow after all danger of frost, and for best harvest, keep sowing at 3-week intervals until late spring. For fall crops, begin in late summer and continue until a month or so before first frost date. Support the 5- to 8-foot vines on a trellis, tower, or poles spaced 3 feet apart... About 40 seeds or more in this deal
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Kentucky Wonder Pole Bean Seeds packed for 2015 -guaranteed fresh is in the Home & Garden | Gardening | Gardening Seeds & Bulbs category