Free: TOUNGH PIERCING 18 G BLACK AND RED NEW BUT NO STERELIZE - Other Jewelry & Watch Items - Auctions for Free Stuff


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Item; toungh piercing
qty; 1
color; red and black
shipping price; flat $3 usa, $4 international ( confirmation number included)
shipping method; usps
shipping time; 5 to 9 days i us
10 to 30 days international...
depends in distance
shipping cost payment method; any you provide... paypal, pesonal check, money order, bank deposite. etc.
other listing shipping cost will be the same no discount for this item.

this is a new never use toungh pearcing but it is not steralize so you will have to clean it as all toher pearcing you buy in any store. please never put this directly as soon as you buy it.

take really good care of your piercings to avoid any infections.
toungh piercings have to be wash with mouth wash everytime you take it off and before you put it on.
always have its own place for all your piercings, like a special box. never have them just laying arroun, in side your purse, pocket or just somewhere where they can get dust. remember this items are going directly inside you body, specially this item is going directly to your mouth and infections can be easily grab just for beeing careless.
the piercings are never to blame as when you get infections but yourself for not taking care of it like you should.

rinse with mouth wash
before you wear it
after eatting anything at all
after you take it off.

please take care of yourself

if you have any wuestion let me know, thansk for reading and looking to my items. will be listing lots more.
the original sizes are ;
belly bars(spiral/twister):12mm long
tongue bars:16mm long, 6mm balls
horseshoe(spike /ball):10mm internal diameter
labrets(cone/ ball):8-10mm long, 3mm ball
eyebrow bars(cone / ball): 8mm long
captive ball rings:10mm internal diameter

this is for all the piercings i have available and i have been advice to list this as used due to even they have never been worn they are not sterelize so you will have to sterelyze them at home, with alcohol , boilling them or other type of sterelizing methods.
Questions & Comments
none of the methods you recommended actually sterilize an item, nor should you ever use an 18g item in a tongue piercing.
Aug 1st, 2011 at 9:29:35 PM PDT by
Picture?type=square&access token=105469222550%7cd qfyki0ggnddypmnoq3ykmtsyq
yeha sorry this is not an 18g, i fix the item description as for putting there the real sizes of the pearcings and horse shoes are 10mm internal diameter, and as for the sterilizing, i know there is machines witch sterilize this items, but all my items are in fact new just as you would buy them in a regular store, they have never even been try on. all this kind of items you will have to clean them yourself no matter where you buy them. none of this items come sterelize. the only percing it comes sterelize is the one they put on you one you have your percing made. if you want a pearcing really sterilize you will need to go and pay a tatoo artis or anywhere they do the piercings, they may or may not charge you but probable they will due to they have to use a sealable bllue special bag to put this item inside so it can be sterilize, other ways i mention will just clean them for you as for any dust and stuff like that sorry for the mix up. i will keep revising this items, till i get it right and explain myself where i will not get in trouble. lets remember that you can not really say is the sellers / store faul where you buy this items due to will always be your fault as for how well you take care of your piercing. if you do not take care of it as it should it will get afect it and its not the piercing fault much neather the artist. unless the piercing you got at the first time was not sterilize and they did it wrong. and you will be able to see this due to it blead way more than it should and can get infect it right the same day, then it is the artist fault, other ways...naaaaaa.... hope this help to where explaining myself. i thanks you so much for all the help you have been giving me in this listings, as for the info goest to everyone.
Aug 2nd, 2011 at 1:31:01 AM PDT by
aside from that, good auction.
Aug 1st, 2011 at 9:30:08 PM PDT by
Picture?type=square&access token=105469222550%7cd qfyki0ggnddypmnoq3ykmtsyq
thanks so much i just lv people lk u n thansk 4 all the help u hv bn amazing
Aug 2nd, 2011 at 11:36:16 AM PDT by
Picture?type=square&access token=105469222550%7cd qfyki0ggnddypmnoq3ykmtsyq
maybe learn how to spell and talk
Aug 2nd, 2011 at 4:57:30 AM PDT by
Picture?type=square&access token=105469222550%7cd qfyki0ggnddypmnoq3ykmtsyq
im sorry i really do not care about how to spell anything at all, i just write fast and dont care, i am just listing the items, i never would thing anyone would care as for how a listing is spell, if it gets the job to understand what the listing is bout, and by the way i am just descriving the item, if you want any more description with out having to spell every single word just check the picture , it says it att, what u c is what u get. im sorry but u do not have 2 b lk that and tell me to learn how 2 speak and spell. wht is that all about. i hv the write 2 write how ever i want n 2 spell n talk how ever i want, how can a dum think like this boder u. lots of sellers does not even describe or explain what they r selling, just give the pic. so there u go then dont read just look at the picts and if u want 2 bid ur welcome 2 in not the same. spelling, puntuations etc. dont matter. ur coments is so redi....i dont c anyone else saying anything about it but u. sorry if u did not lk my spelling but will not change 4 u.
Aug 2nd, 2011 at 11:30:23 AM PDT by
Picture?type=square&access token=105469222550%7cd qfyki0ggnddypmnoq3ykmtsyq
people really if u hv a bad coment 2 say 4 the spelling or anything in my listings, dam , i am so impres by this person who just comented hr, i really never imagine this kind of agrecion in hr. what happend im so confussed. i hv unfurtanelly block and report it this buyer, i do not lk 2 do this things but if u r comming agrecive 2 me i will respond 2 u. am i wrong on doing this. i feel bad couse i never intendet 2 come hr n find people lk this or hv 2 report some one for their comments. my mama always teach me if u dont hv something nice 2 say, dont say anything. im so sorry but if u dont understand my listings please let me kow and i will try my best 2 explain myself, as for the spelling, damm really i really hv never care 4 how i spell even my own name, y would enyone care, or is this a big deal in listia, couse if it is so i can know and then really look as 4 how i am saying the things and writting n spelling. please let me know if this is a matter 4 u all 4 me 2 spell correctly the description. thanks
Aug 2nd, 2011 at 11:43:29 AM PDT by
Picture?type=square&access token=105469222550%7cd qfyki0ggnddypmnoq3ykmtsyq
i just flag rude comments. nice auction
Aug 2nd, 2011 at 1:38:42 PM PDT by
Picture?type=square&access token=105469222550%7cd qfyki0ggnddypmnoq3ykmtsyq
thanks so much, yes unfurtanelly i did had 2, i am a strong beliver as for dont do to others what u dont want them to do to u...... i had not even realize and then the worst thing is that i have been doing one listing and just copy and paste the whole thing n just change the almos all of them have such of horrible typo...anyway thanks for ur commend very much apreciated. fanned
Aug 2nd, 2011 at 5:42:29 PM PDT by
nice auction fanned u!! Will u be putting up any more body piercings?
Aug 2nd, 2011 at 5:33:15 PM PDT by
Picture?type=square&access token=105469222550%7cd qfyki0ggnddypmnoq3ykmtsyq
yes i sure will, i have several of them and sell them locally all deferent prices, i have tongue , belly, eyebrow, lip ( spikes and balls ),and nose ( cross and mickeys), i will mail anywhere and payment can be paypal, is the safes way and faster. i mail all my items with confirmation number to my safety, i do sell in other sites and have learn the bad way. there is mean people arround and they do say they never received even if they did, so not only i loose the item but the money. if u r interested on buying anything please let me know i can mail u the pictures of what i have, thanks for the comment and fanned back. thanks :)
Aug 2nd, 2011 at 5:46:25 PM PDT by

TOUNGH PIERCING 18 G BLACK AND RED NEW BUT NO STERELIZE is in the Jewelry & Watches | Other Jewelry & Watch Items category