The listing, GRUDGE 1, 2, AND 3 !!! FREE SHIPPING has ended.
Set of 1, 2, and 3. All are in excellent condition. Two still have outer sleeves.
The Grudge-Here's a new one: the Japanese horror film "Ju-on" gets its tepid Hollywood makeover by its original director, Takashi Shimizu. The movie is your standard haunted-house boilerplate, with an American exchange student in Tokyo (Sarah Michelle Gellar) out to solve the mystery. There are rattling sounds, dark shadows, and the always reliable sightings of ghosts (in this case a zombified boy). As Gellar chases the nasty demons around, people keep entering the house and the body count rises. There's no plot to speak of, and no real terror, just a collection of nicely photographed scenes.
the Grudge 2 (Unrated Director's Cut) (2006)-The Grudge 2 is a spooky installment in Takashi Shimizu's hardworking Ju-on/Grudge series of horror pictures. It doesn't carry the disorienting thrill of the very first Japanese Ju-on features, but it's a lot creepier than anybody could have expected. The story picks up from the end of the first Hollywood version of The Grudge, and has nothing to do with Ju-on 2, Shimizu's Japanese sequel. Sarah Michelle Gellar returns (a distinctly supporting role) as an American woman traumatized by her experiences with a haunted house in Tokyo; younger sister Amber Tamblyn flies over to help out.
The Grudge 3 (2009)-the next installment in The Grudge series. How do you stop a curse that never dies? Jake, the sole survivor of The Grudge 2 massacre, is tortured by chilling visions of Kayako
and Toshio that have led to his hospitalization. Jake's caretaker, Dr. Sullivan (Shawnee Smith, the Saw series) is determined to investigate his horrifying tales. She explores his Chicago home, finding another family on the brink of succumbing to the curse. It becomes clear that Jake's terrifying stories are true, and a mysterious Japanese woman may be the only hope of banishing the spirits forever...unless her plan destroys them all.