You can verify via facebook, bank account, twitter & phone. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click how it works. Good luck and welcome to Listia! Fanned and watched.
Cool, thanks alot for help. I think im verified VIA Facebook now. Ty for the help and for the interest in the pick. Hope to get some more of my things on here soon and hope to see some stuff of yours i like too. Good luck with the auction!
LOL yeah i come to realize that already. If your up at 3:30am looking for other ppls unwanted stuff to put in your house, you must be an addict having some sort of fun lmao.
Ha! I've been a night owl for decades as a trucker. This is morning for me. You might be surprised, I've won over 200 auctions of stuff you didn't know even existed.Over a dozen dvd t.v. series, clothes, guitar strings etc. I have allot of pogs to come. They are a good investment. I'll be stepping it up in the near future after a minor operation. One last thing, when bidding, try to only deal with verified sellers. There are allot of flakes and scammers out there!
Yeah i been a night owl my whole life too lol so ill be doing a lot of 3rd shifting on here. And once i get the feel of it, ill start dropping some real nice stuff on here. And thanks a lot for the tip cause i have just been bidding on things i like without checking out the seller. Ill def be more careful from now on. Ty.