Free: TIERED STAMP AUCTION-YOUR CHOICE - Stamps - Auctions for Free Stuff


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description of how when and why the liberty bell forever stamp was made, very interesting;
on may 12, 2008, in washington, dc, the postal service™ re–issued the non–denominated first–class mail definitive forever stamp™ (liberty bell). the stamp was designed by carl t. herrman of carlsbad, california. the stamp was first issued in 2007.
the forever stamp will always be valid as first–class postage on standard envelopes weighing one ounce or less, regardless of any subsequent increases in the first–class rate. the stamp art depicts the liberty bell, which is perhaps the most prominent and recognizable symbol associated with american independence. over the years, the historic significance of the bell’s message has transcended our national borders, and today the liberty bell is an international icon of freedom. replicas of the liberty bell exist in all fifty states and the district of columbia.
the stamp art features a computer–generated image of the liberty bell by nationally acclaimed artist tom engeman of brunswick, maryland. his previous projects for the postal service include stamped cards for carlsbad caverns national park (2002), ohio university (2003), and columbia university (2003), as well as the 2003 american eagle definitive stamp, and the national world war ii memorial stamp issued in 2004.
this is going to be a stamp auction,
for every 100 credits bid i will add another stamp into the pile,up to a maximum of 3 whole booklets of 20 so that will be 60 stamps total. that is a great lot of stamps, they will be 20 of the liberty bell style and 40 of your choice of the forever stamps there are right now,they will be on a booklet and not single unless the bids are less then enough for 10 ,if bids are less then enough for 10 stamps then they will be single stamps as the rolls are in lots of 10.this is a free shipping auction remember have fun always, and ask questions if you dont understand the way this auction works. thanks for checking out my auction
Questions & Comments
Aug 4th, 2011 at 11:10:38 AM PDT by
The get it now option is at 6666 so as the person that does not want to wait for the end of the auction to see if the are going to get 60 stamps or not can make sure they get 60 stamps with 40 of them being of their choice right away. the amount of 6666 is so i actually will get the 6000 credits for the stamps as they are not cheap, listia keeps a percentage of the bids when you use the get it now, so now you know that they are keeping 666 credits if someone uses the get it now option. good luck and have fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Aug 4th, 2011 at 11:31:21 AM PDT by
The first stamp has already been added by me since i started the bidding at 100, so congratulations, you have 1 stamp in the pile already woohoo lets keep count. with every stamp added i will place the numbers we have in the piles in the blue box under a comment, so the blue boxes are the acctual counts to date.
Aug 4th, 2011 at 11:12:10 AM PDT by
1.liberty bell forever stamp
Aug 4th, 2011 at 11:12:25 AM PDT by
Aug 4th, 2011 at 11:12:55 AM PDT by
i will now be adding 1 stamp for every 50 credits bid so if you bid 100 credits you are getting 2 stamps brand new never used. who cant use stamps that no matter how much the price changes they are still the correct amount for postage? bid bid bid this is a deal.
Aug 6th, 2011 at 10:33:22 AM PDT by
Reserved;i will update at least once a day on the count so please be patient with me. i am a night owl and stay up to 3-5 a.m. most mornings then go to bed so i usually get up in the late morning so i can get my work done and other things on my schedule for that day so if i havent updated in a while please dont fret, i will get it done, thanks all for watching my auctions and remember these are free stamps that i am giving you from my heart, you do not have to bid if you feel 100 credits that you earned for basically free is to much to bid on something free that is being shipped to you free also.
Aug 4th, 2011 at 11:26:12 AM PDT by
Thank you to those of you who will make this auction a friendly and fun auction i welcome all comments as long as they are not mean,beg for me to fan you back(my rule to fanning back is simple) if you like my auctions and stop by and visit, you happen to fan me and say fanned ya, i usually will automatically fan you back under the conditions that a. if you are a new member that has verified at least 2 out of the 3 verifying options, and are not just trying to get a ton of fans to make your profile look like you are an awesome seller/buyer or b. you are someone who has been around the block and are just stopping by and really checking out my auction.other then that if you just want to see how many auctions you can go thru to get a fan base built up please dont bother asking. thank you
i know it may sound harsh but i found out that if i auto fanned back everyone that fanned me then when i would go check out their auctions they would either be brand spankin new with absolutely no verifying conditions met, no auctions listed or anything so in the end result that fanned back could look badly on me if they happen to list an auction and dont follow thru with the auctiona nd end up being one of those people i have sadly had to deal with about not shipping their product, ruining a product i shipped them and then complain about it and get all their credits back, or just be an all around bad listia member then by me fanning them it looks as if i am backing that persons actions and condone what they do, so i have made the rules to how i will fan you back. please understand it is not anything against you personally, it is something that will tell others the kind of person i am.
Aug 4th, 2011 at 11:26:20 AM PDT by
Listia edit: 8/5 corrected spelling of title to "tiered"
Aug 5th, 2011 at 10:08:18 AM PDT by
thanks so much
Aug 5th, 2011 at 12:22:43 PM PDT by
I'm not into collecting stamps. Are these like a 44 cent stamp that I can use?
Aug 6th, 2011 at 6:00:51 PM PDT by

TIERED STAMP AUCTION-YOUR CHOICE is in the Collectibles | Stamps category