Free: ~~^-@Because You Loved Me by M. William Phelps @-^~~ (True Crime) - Nonfiction Books - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: ~~^-@Because You Loved Me by M. William Phelps @-^~~ (True Crime)

~~^-@Because You Loved Me by M. William Phelps @-^~~  (True Crime)
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The listing, ~~^-@Because You Loved Me by M. William Phelps @-^~~ (True Crime) has ended.

An online love affair...A real-time murder

Jeanne Dominico's fiance found her body on her kitchen floor. More than forty stab wounds and blows to her head with a blunt instrument had cut her life short. What monster had struck in the heart of a peaceful New England town?

Jeanne was a hard-working single mother. Nicole, her fourteen-year-old daughter, was on the honor-toll and head over heels in love--with an eighteen-year-old man she'd known only through the Internet. Once the lovers met in person, Jeanne's motherly instincts sensed trouble. If only she'd known that the life in danger was her own.

With a history of psychological trouble and family misfortune, Billy Sullivan's obsessive and controlling power over Nicole contributed to the brutal slaying of her mother. But it was Nicole's stunning confession and guilty plea that lead to Billy's sensational trial, where a sordid tale of love, loss, betrayal and murder finally took a cold-blooded killer offline--and on line for justice.

Includes 16 pages of shocking photos.

Bought brand-new from the bookstore and read once...EUC--like new!!
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Picture?type=square&access token=105469222550%7cd qfyki0ggnddypmnoq3ykmtsyq
is it a hardback or soft back
Aug 12th, 2011 at 4:14:49 PM PDT by

~~^-@Because You Loved Me by M. William Phelps @-^~~ (True Crime) is in the Books | Nonfiction Books category