You say you can't guarantee authenticity of the coin but don't you know it is highly illegal to sell or trade unmarked replicas in fact if it is a replica and you could go to jail even if you don't know. If this coin is authentic it would be worth a good deal of money especially the condition its in. I think you should have this checked before auctioning it off.
I'll look for somebody around town that might know a little bit more about coins than me... and get another person's opinion on the coins... it's just hard around here when Walmart and a Casino are the biggest buildings for at least an hour whichever way you go...
I agree with Woozle31. I flagged both of your auctions and honestly I am surprised they have not been removed yet. It is not a personal issue, but people on Listia work hard for their credits and should not be given the opportunity to bid on something that may be fake and lose all their credits. If you get them authenticated, we would be more than happy to bid all of our credits on either coin and you would get what your item is worth as well.
Nothing personal, but I have seen way too many of these lately, considering how scarce they are. The fake ones sell for about a buck each on
This is what is wrong with Listia. They say you can not sell a fake coin but even after the seller said it could be a fake they do nothing. They let it sell anyway.
Hi, I am interested in your coin and what is all these scare tactics other listens are telling you, If you say you don't know 100% authenticity then you have told every one ahead of time, so it is there risk not yours.!!!!
This is true... I can't guarantee 100% but I have listed what I do know about the coins... if anyone wants to ask other questions about the coins I will be more than happy to help...
Its just crazy you have both key date pennies up at the same time. I'm sorry I'm not saying anything about you but its just too risky. And you are right you have told everything but if they are fake you will still have disputes coming. Good luck buddy wish you the best!!!