I was there for a short while, on X-wing. The place I was in when I was young (around 18 or so had a riot, and FSP was the only place that had 128 open beds which was how many of us were involved in it) I used to walk past Q wing every time I went to medical. They called it the Trioangle because of FSP, FSP work camp, and Raiford. I would very much like to talk to you maybe in private message. I will try to get one of these but it looks like it will go a bit higher than I can afford atm
So this is a reprint, not the original? Just asking because it does not say in the title or description. If it is the original I will BUY credits and try to get it
Sorry running behind here. Yes I'm open to talking in private message. No, none of the artwork I have are originals, they are all reprints done on a high-quality printer on heavy paper. I had a little business going for them where they'd send me their original artwork and I'd scan it in then make it into cards and small posters like this, then try to sell and put the $$ back on their account. BUT as you know, inmates aren't able to profit so it was a little tricky.