Free: Blue and pink sapphires and aquamarine gemstone - Other Collectibles - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: Blue and pink sapphires and aquamarine gemstone

Blue and pink sapphires and aquamarine gemstone
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The listing, Blue and pink sapphires and aquamarine gemstone has ended.

This listing is for 4 small but brilliant color sapphires, 2 pink and 2 blue. And 1 gorgeous aquamarine with a really intricate inclusion pattern. The inclusions are all internal none of them affect the durability of the stone. All of these are natural non treated stones mined from the earth. They are not lab created perfect but they are gorgeous the way nature made them. The aquamarine is a very pale blue...measures about 6 to 7mm and the sapphires are about 2 to 3mm. Free shipping in the US. All gin offers are always welcome and carefully considered. Thank you good luck and happy bidding!
Questions & Comments
Do you have one that's around one carat and either an oval, round, or square cut and has a good luster?
Jan 29th, 2015 at 6:47:52 PM PST by
Luster is a hard thing to find in sapphires. Clarity is tough too especially in a natural stone. Usually the stone is fired for clarity and then that helps with the luster.. But the blue hue of a natural sapphire acts like a tinting towards the light refraction so unless you end up with a cz posing as a sapphire you won't find a sapphire with the sparkle of a diamond. I can tell you that good clarity and a precise cut are very helpful in getting a good sparkle out if a sapphire though ;) I'm looking at my sapphire stash now in the day light because I have a lot of different shades of blue and typically a lighter navy blue usually has the best clarity. Ill find the prettiest one and post it here shortly for you.
Jan 30th, 2015 at 9:20:35 AM PST by
Gorgeous! What amount would you think for gin?
Jan 29th, 2015 at 5:11:58 PM PST by
Thank you :) I don't like to be the first one to throw out a number that's why I said gin offers are always considered :) just shoot me an offer.
Jan 29th, 2015 at 5:19:12 PM PST by
Ok :) yeah that's cool just wanted to see if you had an idea but it's all good. Before I make an offer, can I please see a close up of one pink and one blue sapphire for color?
Jan 29th, 2015 at 5:20:56 PM PST by
Yes :) I will post a few more pics when I get home late tonight. I'm on my way to school right now. But I get home at 11pm west coast time. I have a ton more blue sapphires if that's all your looking for. But these are the only pink sapphires I have.
Jan 29th, 2015 at 5:26:21 PM PST by
Oh ok awesome! I'm actually searching far and wide for an unheated, natural, eye clean sapphire and a blue sapphire that sparkles (as dumb as that sounds XD) so if you have more blue sapphires that have a good luster I'd love to see them but those pink sapphires look beautiful :) got my eye on those
Jan 29th, 2015 at 5:40:08 PM PST by
These are all untreated. But the blue ones in this lot are not a+ quality. But I do have a stash of nice clean ones. Do you have a specific size or cut you need?
Jan 29th, 2015 at 6:33:52 PM PST by
Unheated, natural, eye clean pink sapphire* oops
Jan 29th, 2015 at 5:41:34 PM PST by
Pink I don't have these are the only pink ones I have. These came out of a ring I bought and I replaced them with blue ones so these are all I have. But I have about 50 carats in loose blue sapphires. I'm sure I've got a nice blue one with good clarity and color I can part with. Most are round and oval cuts I may have a princess cut. I'll look when I get home and let you know.
Jan 29th, 2015 at 8:57:26 PM PST by
Emerald cut would be good too :)
Jan 29th, 2015 at 8:33:09 PM PST by
Ok thank you so much! Yes I understand that you don't have any more pink ones :) thanks again!
Jan 29th, 2015 at 9:01:31 PM PST by
Thank you so much! Can't wait! Should we message privately about the starting bid?
Jan 30th, 2015 at 9:33:51 AM PST by
Sure! Shoot me a message! :)
Jan 30th, 2015 at 9:34:40 AM PST by

Blue and pink sapphires and aquamarine gemstone is in the Collectibles | Other Collectibles category