This auction is for (m) guitar pics you will get as follows:
(3) random pics similar to ones In Picture #1 one for sure~~
If bids reach 1000 you will get 2 more Random FENDER pics similar to ones in picture #2~~
If bids reach 1500 you will get 2 more Random FENDER pics similar to ones in Picture # 3~~
If you use the gin option you get 10 pics total plus (2) random bonus pics MAKING IT 12 TOTAL WITH GIN ONLY that i choose because i am not sure whcih i will have left to choose from but promise you will like them!
free shipping
I only ship to listia verified addresses only!!!
i cannot lower days I want everyone to have same chance.... just get in there and bid! have fun!
Treat others the way you want to be treated and be kind to the auction host as well!! any unkind or negative comments will be tolerated because i just don't have time for them .....
Keep it kind and positive please if you have questions just ask i am not on all the time but will answer as quick as i canl
Lstia rules apply 7 days to get me your info and i have 7 days to ship out your win!!! very simple so have fun bid fair and nice .......good luck to all! god bless all!