Free: 1980's Wrestling Mags * Sting * Savage * Michaels - Other Collectibles - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: 1980's Wrestling Mags * Sting * Savage * Michaels

1980's Wrestling Mags * Sting * Savage * Michaels
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The listing, 1980's Wrestling Mags * Sting * Savage * Michaels has ended.

Winner receives four vintage magazines from a great era in wrestling,,the 1980's. Go back to before WWE owned the big leagues of NWA, AWA, World Class, UWF, Mid South. Magazines are nice for their age, intact with no major ware. Some include full color pin ups.
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1980's Wrestling Mags * Sting * Savage * Michaels is in the Collectibles | Other Collectibles category