Free: Paul Mitchell Products for Blonds - Hair Products - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: Paul Mitchell Products for Blonds

Paul Mitchell Products for Blonds
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If you are a blond natural or otherwise these Paul Mitchell hair products are for you. You will recieve all 4 products. The small 25 ml. Spay bottle is a leave in repair hair conditioner, the large 8.5 fl. oz. Silver bottle is forever blond shampoo, the large silver tube is 6.8 fl.oz. of forever blond conditioner, and the large 10.14 fl.oz. purple bottle is platinum blond shampoo to use every other day for 2 weeks before you have your hair processed. It helps limit the time spent having your hair colored and minimizes exposed roots.
These are quality hair care products developed by Paul Mitchell.that help maintain your beautiful blond locks.

It was an impulse buy when I had my hair done a few weeks ago . I must admit there was some employee pressure involved. The products I've been using for the past 6 years do the same thing and I'm going to continue to use them. I have no need for these so here is your opportunity to have over $50.00 in quality hair care products.

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Paul Mitchell Products for Blonds is in the Health & Beauty | Hair Supplies | Hair Products category