Free: **LOW GIN** Doctor Who: Deep Breath - DVD - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: **LOW GIN** Doctor Who: Deep Breath

**LOW GIN** Doctor Who: Deep Breath
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The listing, **LOW GIN** Doctor Who: Deep Breath has ended.

Deep Breath picks up shortly after the ending of The Time of the Doctor with newly regenerated Doctor suffering from a bit of post-regenerative trauma. The adventure beings with the TARDIS being spit out of the mouth of a Tyrannosaurus Rex that is causing chaos in Victorian London. The Doctor's latest companion, Clara Oswald (played by Jenna Coleman), is still in shock about the Doctor's new incarnation and seeks help from the Paternoster Gang - Silurian Madame Vastra (played by Neve McIntosh), her human maid/wife Jenny Flint (played by Catrin Stewart), and the Sontaran butler Strax (played by Dan Starkey).

While the Doctor tries to rest, the Paternoster Gang helps the local police deal with the Tyrannosaurus Rex problem. Out of nowhere the Tyrannosaurus Rex spontaneously combusted into thin air.
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**LOW GIN** Doctor Who: Deep Breath is in the Movies & TV Shows | DVD category