The listing, StudyX Makes learning easy & fun for ALL ages has ended.
Remember how much time you spend studying in school. Would you be surprised to find out that there is computer software that can cut your study time and make studying more fun. A company by the name of Jeff Computers, formed by a Webster University student, has developed study software that makes creating digital or paper flash cards as easy as clicking your mouse. Best of all, it does not require a brand new computer. StudyX will work on virtually any Windows machine. Typical users of the software range from elementary to graduate level students. It's simple to install the software and then enter the study materials in a question and answer format. Once the notes are entered, you choose a game and start testing your knowledge. While playing the game, questions pop up. When you have mastered all of the questions, a message will congratulate you on your accomplishment. In addition to games, the software allows you to create tests that you can share with your classmates. Creating these files is just as easy as creating the study files and they work directly in Internet Explorer. If you decide that your prefer paper, this is an option as well. StudyX allows you to print study sheets, note cards, fill in the blank tests, multiple choice, and even matching tests. StudyX changes studying from a tedious, and time consuming task into something enjoyable and all together different