Free: < MTG > .. Lot of 6 older Foils - Black/Green Mix .. Magic the Gathering - Trading Card Games - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: < MTG > .. Lot of 6 older Foils - Black/Green Mix .. Magic the Gathering

< MTG > .. Lot of 6 older Foils - Black/Green Mix .. Magic the Gathering
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The listing, < MTG > .. Lot of 6 older Foils - Black/Green Mix .. Magic the Gathering has ended.

Pictures are actual scans of the cards you will receive, and considered to be in heavy to light play condition.

Dark Heart of the Wood
Woodwraith Strangler
Phantom Wurm (only one that is heavy play)
Shattered Dreams
Vastwood Gorger
Sorin's Thirst

SHIPPING -- FREE in the US and generally between Wed and Fri * Address must be Listia verified and valid! * If packages are returned to me undeliverable and it is not my error, buyer is responsible for subsequent shipping charges. Otherwise, I keep the credits and the item is relisted * If you fail to give me your address within 7 days after auction end, I also get to relist and keep the credits * Make sure you can pay for shipping (if the auction says so), or credits will not be refunded and item is relisted

OTHER INFO -- * Some items may have belonged to someone who smokes or has animals, but I clean them as much as possible before passing them on * I am not on here 24/7, so please allow at least 48hrs for me to answer questions * Please don’t ask for GINs. If I wanted to put one on here, I would have done so *
Questions & Comments
Picture?type=square&access token=105469222550%7cd qfyki0ggnddypmnoq3ykmtsyq
What are gins?
Feb 21st, 2015 at 12:56:15 PM PST by
Get It Nows
Feb 22nd, 2015 at 7:16:00 AM PST by

< MTG > .. Lot of 6 older Foils - Black/Green Mix .. Magic the Gathering is in the Collectibles | Trading Cards | Trading Card Games category