The listing, YuGiOh! 51 Cards +TIN WinnerTakeAll 1ST EDITIONS Holos Ultra Super Rare Magic Warrior Out of Prints has ended.
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1 yu-gi-oh 2005 collector's tin panther warrior shonen jump's yu-gi-oh! trading card game secret rare. isbn 1933252847.
8 easley sleeves.
4 de-spell [spell cards] 2 ske-028 & 2 sdp-029 19159413.
3 sye-027 dian keto the cure master [spell cards].
3 dark hole [magic cards] sdj-026, sdp-026 & sdy-022 53129443.
2 remove trap [magic cards] sdj-034 & sdp-034 51482758.
2 monster reborn [magic cards] sdj-035 & ske-029 83764718.
8 waboku [trap cards] 3 sdj-046, 2 sdp-044 & 3 sye-042 12607053.
1 holographic shadow spell [trap card] ske-041 29267084.
3 light of intervention [trap cards] 2 ske-046 & 1 psv-031 62867251.
2 just desserts [trap cards] sdk-040 & ske-043 24068492.
2 enchanted javelin [trap cards] sdp-049 & psv-en015 96355986.
warrior dai grepher [warrior] sye-014 75953262.
hamburger recipe [magic card] mrl-063.
super robolady [machine/fusion/effect] lod-073 75923050.
blue-eyes toon dragon [dragon/toon] sdp-020 53183600.
polymerization [magic card] sdj-036 24094653.
black pendant [magic card] sdp-025 651697494.
sword of dark destruction [magic card] sdy-020 37120512.
black illusion ritual [magic card] sdp-038 41426869.
spirit reaper 1st edition [zombie/effect] sd2-en006 23205979.
2 disappear [trap cards] sye-049 24623598.
shift [trap card] sye-048 5956025.
disarmament [trap card] mfc-102 20727787.
secret pass to the treasures [spell card] pgd-037 77876207.
tribute to the doomed [spell card] ske-035 79759861.
fruits of kozaky's studies [trap card] rds-en053 1st edition 49998907.
wild nature's release [spell card] 10c-033 61166988 hologram.
gryphon's feather duster [spell card] 10c-091 34370473.
change of heart [spell card] sye-030 04031928.
dragged down into the grave [spell card] dcr-084 16435215.
2 snatch steal [spell cards] sd1-en010 both 1st editions 45986603.
not mint. all different conditions. see all photos. i've included 36 of them view them all. usa shipping only. no gin request.