Oh, that is my profession through Raindrop therapy with oils. Clue, stay away from any wheat products and gmo's. I think that will help enormously with the fibromyalgia. The GMO's mess with out hormonal process, This condition is from high acid in the body. Alcholine or better ph balance in your system will help greatly. Also, if you can find someone for a raindrop massage it will be a great thing for your body in detoxing unnecessary problems. Stay away from processed sugars/refined. If you can find wintergreen and use with panaway a pain release oil along with rosewood, rosemary, spruce or thyme you can use these together to get massive relief. Do a liver cleanse and voila! Your summer will begin with a huge happy smile on your face. Now here's a good one I love to hear from people like me (therapists) Stay away from stress! Look at things differently and the odd stuff that bugs will drop off like a breath of fresh air. Blessings, Mazie