Free: Close Encounters of the Third Kind - Fiction Books - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: Close Encounters of the Third Kind

Close Encounters of the Third Kind
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The listing, Close Encounters of the Third Kind has ended.

Earth's greatest adventure had begun. The world was being readied for... Close Encounters of the Third Kind. — To Claude LeCombe, director of an international silence group, it meant the culmination of a search that drove him to the globe's farthest corners. — To Jillian Guiler, it meant the last shred of hope for the recovery of her little son who disappeared on the most extraordinary night of her life.

To Roy Neary, it meant an answer to the startling mystery that had increasingly driven him to the emotional edge.

And to the rest of humanity, it meant the beginning of the most dramatic event in the history of the world.

It will lead to the inescapable conclusion: we are not alone. COVER IS TAPED ON.
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Close Encounters of the Third Kind is in the Books | Fiction Books category