Free: ~*Anti-Theft Remote Transmitter*~New - Accessories - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: ~*Anti-Theft Remote Transmitter*~New

~*Anti-Theft Remote Transmitter*~New
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The listing, ~*Anti-Theft Remote Transmitter*~New has ended.

8-97509-760-0 part #for transmitter-keyless. I do know that it fit Isuzu's and Honda. I don't know what year but remembered that my daughter paid over 100 for it from the dealer and she never took it out of the box..
Questions & Comments
What exactly does it do.... do you need an alarm on your car for it to work?
Mar 5th, 2015 at 5:52:20 PM PST by
reply below
Mar 5th, 2015 at 7:31:27 PM PST by
It unlocks and locks your car with a button and if you have a manufacture alarm in your car it sets it when you click the alarm button lock. If you don't have the alarm then you have the convenience of a remote lock...
Mar 5th, 2015 at 7:30:52 PM PST by

~*Anti-Theft Remote Transmitter*~New is in the Cars, Vehicles & Parts | Accessories category