Free: MEGA EASTER SALE Gateway Windows 98 Laptop - Desktops & Laptops - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: MEGA EASTER SALE Gateway Windows 98 Laptop

 MEGA EASTER SALE Gateway Windows 98 Laptop
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The listing, MEGA EASTER SALE Gateway Windows 98 Laptop has ended.

Internet capeable , easy boot & FAST . I have been using it for windows games (it takes most) I'll throw in RISK , MEGA SLOTS , BEJEWELED 2, STRATEGO with GIN BUY OUT.
Questions & Comments
how bout info on the laptop? memory, hdd, screen size...etc.
Mar 7th, 2015 at 9:56:34 PM PST by
I had the computer online very briefly and it did just fine. Ive actually used it for games I couldn't put on my other computer. Like I said it boots FAST and operates just fine. As for RAM and harddrive Im not sure how to get to it. Im not real computer iliterate .
Mar 8th, 2015 at 9:45:03 AM PDT by
Screen is 32x24 !
Mar 8th, 2015 at 9:45:34 AM PDT by

MEGA EASTER SALE Gateway Windows 98 Laptop is in the Computers & Networking | Desktops & Laptops category