FREE: BNWT SeXxxxy Corset Lingerie from Frederick's of Hollywood!
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The listing, BNWT SeXxxxy Corset Lingerie from Frederick's of Hollywood! has ended.
Brand new Frederick's of Hollywood Sexy Black Corset Lingerie- Laces up in the back so it can fit MANY shapes and sizes- the size is a straight 34 with no cup size so it should fit any range as long as you're not a double ZZ or something. All of the original tags are on this piece- and the thong panty is still attached to the lingerie bodice. I tried to get a couple of close up shots to show the awesome detail in this piece.
I bought this a while ago for one of those "special nights" and... well...let's just say I am single and I'm loving the freedom and the NO DRAMA... (and not having to shave my legs! lmao) So obviously this sexy little thing will be in my drawer for years if I don't put this on Listia RIGHT NOW! (that and the fact that I am recovering from back surgery- pretty much puts the nail in that coffin for a bit!) :D
:P btw: it's been SOOOOO long that I stopped shaving my legs... and I'm pretty sure I could braid the hair on my legs now! lmao... (I have to laugh about it... or it's just toooooo pitiful!!!) Thank god for rechargeble batteries!
i broke up with my boyfriend yesterday and then went to taco bell(too lazy to cook) then when i got home he was standing outside my door in a funny hat a bib and a pink hula skirt holding a bundle of white roses and a huge diamond ring...then he proposed to me and i was so shocked! lol and then he started dancing(hula dancing) after i said yes *sigh* i guess i could never really leave him hahaha (funny how things work out)
OMG! That is too sweet. :D I hope you win this for him! :D He sounds like he has a great sense of humor. I think that is THE most important thing... Congrats lovey!!!
I really don't know. I'll measure the width of the corset and post it in just a bit. I think the only issue would maybe be the 38- since this is a 34. I've had corsets that were 32- no problem... I just can't wear ones that are bigger than a 34. When I've worn 32's before the only difference is is there's more skin showing through the lacing. If you'll give me about 15 minutes I'll measure that for you and add another comment with that dimension! :D
I don't know- I'm pretty petite- I'm 5 foot and about 105 lbs and I loved it on... I just haven't been dating so it's just mocking me at this point everytime I see it in the drawer! LMAO The corset lacing in the back I think makes it pretty universal- that's why I think it will be a hit on here... as long as you're 34 around I don't think cup size matters- the photo is hard to tell... but it's not like a "cup" bra top- which is why I loved it... if you're smaller than a 34, like a 32- I wouldn't get it... because it might not fit and I'd hate for you to get somethig you can't use.
:D I'm enjoying watching this auction- who KNEW it would get so much action? :D I have a few more brand new items with tags to list as soon as I can get to them. I think a couple are from Frederick's and the others are from Macy's. Keep your eyes peeled! :D
very nice auction...i am sorry you didnt get to enjoy this hang in there and dont give up your very pretty and you seem to be a very good person sometimes it takes awhile to meet that special one but when you do its worth the wait i hope you have a speedy recovery with your back....
I truly love the Listia members... and that's why this website has been such a wonderful way for me to maintain my sanity! Thank you so much for your kind words!!! And I know you're PROBABLY right about the "taking a while..." :D
Im not getting any for probably longer than 2025 but what the heck! You think your legs are bad? HA,braid,mine have their own Fanning,your hilarious ;p
lmao!!!! we could have a slumber party and instead of braiding each others hair on our head we'd see who could make the longest french braid on our legs. EWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!
LMAO!!! Too ding dang funny. With that last comment thread I was thinking... this commenting go down a very.very wrong path soon!!! :P And I'll probably be leading the group! :D
Lol, it is the pain meds that have u so funny, lol, but i love this as well, i could never where this but its is cute, lol. i like all the funny comments to but my new pic should be up soon:) u should remember me then.
You are so beautiful girl, dont no why u would have to wait til 2025 but i think im in the same boat, no good cute ones around here! how is your back by the way, i changed my pic but we where chatting before :) you had the pic of the cut lil baby, i changed mine to me holding my daughter, but it still on the other pic, but i think the last play i had was will dont think i can say on her but lets say the bathroom has more uses than putting on make up taking showers and going potty, the sink comes in handy, lol tmi my last daughter was made in their. tmi tmi tmi tmi but i had to throw my lil thing in their to :)
Thank you for asking about my back... so nice!!! It's ok- I'm walking now! Not much... but hey- I'll take what I can get! (at least when it comes to walking! lmao)
2025 is around when I THINK I'll be willing to deal with the bs of men again! I don't know I might have to double that number!
LMAO at your comment... love it. I am going to have to list more lingerie auctions JUST for the comic relief and the ridiculous conversation threads here. :D I remember your pic too btw. :D (at least I think I do- my memory is stuck on stupid because of these pain meds!) XXXXXXXX
I'll have more brand new with tags once I get to my storage unit- a few more corsets- and a couple of baby dolls... so start listing so you can get her something sexy! :D
I'm not sure- the lacing in the back is super long- and I had to have it tied all the way to make it fit... Thanks for fanning me- I'll be listing a few more lingerie pieces that are brand new with tags- I think it's going to be 2025 before I get any action! lmao
I'm loving the comments here! Great laugh and I needed one today! I will posting some auctions that will hopefully get me enough credits to have a chance on this one!
I don't! I have at least a couple other bnwt items, but it may take me a week or so to get them listed! I know I have a red and black corset- that is pretty dang hot- but I am not terribly certain I want to give that one up. Although I probably will! Hopefully I will be able to get these posted SOOOOON!
I know... I am seriously posting more lingerie pieces because of the humor and entertainment that this listing alone has brought me! And thank you... the pain meds are fine- hoping to be off of one next week! yay!