Pashmina is the Traditional name for the finest Grade of Cashmere Wool'
It takes the Fur of 3, full grown, Capra Hircus, Goats, from the Himalayas to produce a Shawl like this one, that measures 60" x 20".
The Fur is not shaven off, it is collected after it has shed off the Goat. A much less stressful procedure for both the Goat & the Farmer ;0)
This woll is simply the finest, softest & warmest, you can get.
The best washing method is to gently hand wash with a small ammount of Woolite or Baby Shampoo, & lay flat to dry, NO RINGING OUT!! That ruins the fiber~~
I've been told by an Indian Friend of mine that the Pashmina Shawl becomes softer & more luxurious with each was & should last the Owner a Lifetime ~~
What a Fabulous Gift idea, even if the Gift is to yourself.
This is the last one I have, so don't miss out ;0)
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