The listing, CHECK IT OUT - Women's Grab Bag! - Free Shipping has ended.
Here is a care package from me to you! I hope you all enjoy the items in this package. Here is the list of items below:
1. Black Sleeping mask
2. A Set of Earplugs
3. 1 Travel Toothbrush
4. 1 Coupon for FREE Starburst or Skittles Candy
5. 2 Vanilla scented candles
6. 7 packages of tea from my personal tea stash!
8. 2 - 20 page Disney Fairy notebooks
9. 1 Green highlighter
10. 1 Papermate - Black ink pen
11. 2 - Summers Eve Feminine Wipes
12. 1 Bath Fizzie
13. 1 Roll on deodorant
14. 1 Compact eyeshadow
15. Charmin toilet seat covers (5)bar
16. 1 bar Crabtree & Evelyn face soap
17. 1 bar Vanilla Milk soap
18. 3 - bra adjusters - Clear, Black, and Nude
When bidding goes over 3,000 points I will include 2 mystery items!!!
If you have any questions feel free to ask!
Happy bidding and have a nice day!!!