The listing, Songbirds Forever - Book of 20 has ended.
The U.S. Postal ServiceĀ® celebrates ten melodic voices with the Songbirds stamps: the Western Meadowlark (Sturnella neglecta), the Mountain Bluebird (Sialia currucoides), the Western Tanager (Piranga ludoviciana), the Painted Bunting (Passerina ciris), the Baltimore Oriole (Icterus galbula), the Evening Grosbeak (Coccothraustes vespertinus), the Scarlet Tanager (Piranga olivacea), the Rose-breasted Grosbeak (Pheucticus ludovicianus), the American Goldfinch (Spinus tristis) and the White-throated Sparrow (Zonotrichia albicollis).