The listing, Get HELP 4 your Pics HERE! has ended.
Check them out!!! the next 4 pictures were ALL "optimized" by me; "The Fix-it Lady", (lol)
each from that same FIRST auction picture!
Amazing results can reduce the number of questions that have to be answered! So, quit apologizing for "bad" photos... I can copy the "bad" one from an online auction and return the improved results to be posted instead!
NOW! How may I help upgrade a photo for YOU?
(Yep, even thru cyberspace!)
Right HERE, right now, FREE, just for points!
It's almost miraculous how "TOO DARK" pics transform! I may be able to sharpen them up, remove spots, etc! You specify. Then I auction them off (back to you!) using your original for the auction pic.
You may e-mail me pics, but I reserve the right to refuse any image I feel is offensive or against Listia rules.
It's taken me a long time to learn these digital "tricks", and I'm no genius wizard, they are not perfect. I'm just a geek-type able to RECOVER seemingly useless images. EVEN from pics AND NEGATIVES of pics I took in gradeschool YEARS ago! (smile... posting examples soon)
So, test me! ~ONE FREE IMAGE FIX OF YOUR CHOICE~ I will send 4 variations! Hey, my experience must be worth something! Comment or Msg me for details.
Just an idea... I thought it was worth a try!
I hope the moderators like the idea, ALL my auctions will be different, anyhow!!!
It will be fun to see what appears from photos that are too dark!
(I can't do much with photos that are too light, however)
so use natural light, not flash. "Spots" can be removed, also! "Fuzzy" pics are not good candidates though, but I can try!
Thanks! Gracias! Danka! Oliwni! Grazie! ...etc!
"The fix-it Lady"