Free: "COACH" Stamped..I-Pod Case - Cases - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: "COACH" Stamped..I-Pod Case

"COACH" Stamped..I-Pod Case
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The listing, "COACH" Stamped..I-Pod Case has ended.

I pod Case Stamped "Coach" Est. 1941, Leather interior, Tan/Gold/Brown with Brass chain w-Coach tag on it. 4.5" long by 2.75" wide by 14/16" depth... Doesn't look used, or worn, Bring your Bids if you are Listia Verified B4 bidding, Please?...If you like Coach items...take it home? Online prices varied from 24.99 and up...Verified Listian B4 bidding, Also G.I.N. bidder will receive 1 pair of earrings Heart shaped, with teal glass bead on each earring..Thx for Looking an stopping by! Ula Dayle
Questions & Comments
Hopefully ones watchin' an bidding, will understand, that I 4got to say in this auction...tht I most likely will have to mail this at a later date. Because of what it costs for me to ship...Will do my best to mail.. when funds are available. if it is too much to ask..I will give you points worries...sorry 4 any problems as a result...If I can, will do my best to get it done, in a timely manner. Thx Ula Dayle
Apr 7th, 2015 at 2:24:47 PM PDT by
Somebody's gonna get a good 'STEAL" in this auction, for sure (-:
Apr 8th, 2015 at 11:55:31 AM PDT by

"COACH" Stamped..I-Pod Case is in the Cell Phones | Cases category