Free: dog collectible art card with envelope frameable 5x7 by Nina Struthers - Other Art - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: dog collectible art card with envelope frameable 5x7 by Nina Struthers

dog collectible art card with envelope frameable 5x7 by Nina Struthers
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The listing, dog collectible art card with envelope frameable 5x7 by Nina Struthers has ended.

5 x 7" art card by Texas artist Nina Struthers, BFA. She works with pen and ink, and her method of art is called "pointillism" or "stippling" - She works with lots of tiny dots and then washes over her art work (sometimes) with watercolor.
This listing is a printed card that make excellent gifts are totally frameable ! This card comes with an envelope just in case you want to use it as a greeting card.
Questions & Comments
Picture?type=square&access token=105469222550%7cd qfyki0ggnddypmnoq3ykmtsyq
I just love your art work and am so happy that I won two pieces this last week and just had to tell you again how wonderful your art work is. My mother oil painted as I was growing up and always thought I had no artistic ability until my freshman year of high school when my English teacher put a 35mm camera into my hands and was also in dance most of my life now I have 5 Associate Degrees and a Bacholar's I've made in photography dance theater and music/singer and wish I could draw half as good as you
Mar 28th, 2015 at 10:18:07 PM PDT by
Hi Jan,
These cards are in fact by Nina and yes, she is a wonderful artist. I had acquired quite a few cards by Nina & other items to donate to benefit a rescue group but for whatever reason they didn't have time to fool with such. So, I decided I would just share them back to others whom love canines as I do. I have one framed of a black lab that sits on my desk as it looks like my rescued lab Chief & I love my picture. I am sure if Nina happens to see and read your comment she'd be happy to know how many do love her art. As I stated earlier, my plans fell short for the collection & it really hurt my feelings as I had personally made about 80 pairs of earrings and about the same amount of bracelets to help benefit the group and was told they didn't have time. So, for the canine lovers here at Listia is an opportunity to own one of Nina's art cards that are lovely in a frame.
Mar 29th, 2015 at 7:32:47 AM PDT by
Picture?type=square&access token=105469222550%7cd qfyki0ggnddypmnoq3ykmtsyq
Our blossom is a 1/3 lab and her breed is what we thought was an odd one but she's breed to hunt hogs and cattle herd but she just our family and the lab and one of the other breeds she has in her she looks just like both. And over the years she's become more and more humanized.
With the jewelry you've made you could put them up for auction here and get things for a special charity of yours that's what I'm doing but mine and several of my siblings are of Native American heritage and although I'm in Texas and they are closer to the reservations I'm getting educational items for the Headstart programs for many of the reservations along with craft items to keep our young one involved in our heritage with the crafts even though my siblings are of more blood then I am we are family and we share the passion of make sure are young don't get into gangs, drugs, etc.
I've already sent 10 different packages to them.

Just an idea
Mar 29th, 2015 at 7:47:44 AM PDT by
Your Blossom sounds like a sweet dog. My youngest son just transported my older son's lab mix that was rescued as a pup up to the mountains where he now lives. He missed his dog so now he can have his best friend. He had to get permission before he could have her so he is happy. That leaves 4 at home...3 rescued lab & lab mix & 1 not. All spoiled rotten.
Not sure what I will do with all the earrings & bracelets as of yet. I can't really afford all the shipping here. It sounds like a wonderful venture you are doing with the Headstart Program. I have native in me as well. I think it great what your doing. I know that the culture is being slowly lost in some ways and I fret over the Cherokee language being lost as it is slowly happening. Heritage & the language is something to be proud of and to lose that would be a great loss to the peoples. Crafting is good to teach the young although some skills I think are born natural to them.
Mar 29th, 2015 at 9:25:24 AM PDT by
Picture?type=square&access token=105469222550%7cd qfyki0ggnddypmnoq3ykmtsyq
Yes I know I'm the same with the Blackfeet language being lost as well. About 8 years ago I was learning Shawnee from an uncle but since his passing I haven't a clue anymore but I have a very dear and close friend who I've known for 40 years and he's teaching me our Blackfeet language long distance on the phone and I also have an app on my phone to also help-----it's kinda of a trade off for us I give him my Texas twang and he's teaching me our language
Yes our blossom is just so sweet and we wouldn't know what to do without her
Mar 29th, 2015 at 10:09:05 AM PDT by
That's a nice trade off. I mean a Texan is a Texan no matter where they go and the twang just follows As a kid I use to go fishing at the tank. A level was a float & one always had to watch out for the ***** toads lest they spit in your eye. LOL I love Texas and miss the blue bonnets and indian blankets.
Mar 30th, 2015 at 8:24:24 AM PDT by

dog collectible art card with envelope frameable 5x7 by Nina Struthers is in the Art | Other Art category