Free: Double Mixed Color English Daisy (10 seeds) - Other Home & Gardening Items - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: Double Mixed Color English Daisy (10 seeds)

Double Mixed Color English Daisy (10 seeds)
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The listing, Double Mixed Color English Daisy (10 seeds) has ended.

This is an annual. Height 6 feet. Full sun. Large fragrant blossoms of Royal Sweet Peas will charm you in a range of dazzling colors of white, pink, red & maroon. Showy blooms flower freely on annual vines. Spring blooming but thrive on cooler weather. Thank you for looking at my auction! :)
Questions & Comments
live in florida too and need a vine to grow up my railing around my porch. would these work for this? they are soooo beautiful! hope so! thnx a lot for answering my ?'s. have a great day!
Aug 27th, 2011 at 12:22:28 PM PDT by
well they only get about 8" high, they aren't a vine though :( How about morning glorys? :)
Aug 27th, 2011 at 3:47:53 PM PDT by
Thnx a bunch for answering & the input too. I actually just won a bid of really pretty mixed colors of morning glorys for patio railing! :) yea! But it's are perfect for my 2 huge 20" cement pots I just bought! Fingers crossed!
Aug 27th, 2011 at 4:19:46 PM PDT by
I also have several varieties of Morning Glory's, Just haven't listed them yet. I just love them!!
Aug 27th, 2011 at 4:33:26 PM PDT by

Double Mixed Color English Daisy (10 seeds) is in the Home & Garden | Other Home & Gardening Items category