I just keep coming back to look at this gorgeous bag. Is there a way to purchase a long strap? That question is directed to everyone. I know that you can call coach and get hang tags and dust covers but I do not know if you can buy the straps that would go with them. That seems to be one of the first thing that people lose. They take the strap off and voila the disappearing act has begun!!!
I actually bought the bag without the strap from a girl, but I didn't know there was supposed to be a long strap. You can go on eBay and different sights to try and find one and yes, I do believe if Coach has extra straps, you could get one from there. I've known girls to get all kinds of things from the Coach outlets :-) I do have an extra strap, but the hardware on it's silver. If the winner of the auction wants it, they're more than welcome to it!
I just realized I had not fanned you before. I am now your fan. I am watching this beauty. I love the bigger coach bags. I really have enough now but...... You know I never had a coach bag until I started on listia!!!!
I LOVE LOVE LOVE Coach!!! I got my first about 6-7 years ago. I only have 15 bags left cause I've auctioned some off, you know? Plus I gave a whole set to my sister cause she never owned a Coach before, and I got my mother in law her first Coach set this past Christmas :-) I am fanning you back & thank you!