jons69mach1 ,I think my husband sent you a message ,read his, and i dont appreciate you accusing me of ripping anyone off, the auction isnt even over with so you can go somewhere else with your fallacies, if you are scared of getting "ripped off" over something someones trying to give away, something free, then maybe you shouldnt bid on any of my stuff. Actually ,please don't.
jons69mach1 had no right saying that. On your side, the shirt is free but you're still paying $10 it's really not free to the buyer, just a heads up. I wish you the best with your auction.
thanks, i didn't appreciate his comment, i haven't made my first sale, so i have't ripped anyone off. i didnt know really about the shipping but i'd be willing to let it go at flat rate, or even free if the bid is ok,thanks again
this was my first time on this site, so i didn't really know about shipping and all that but i am willing to ship flat rate or even free if the bidding is ok, i dont think it is that heavy. thanks for the message, i didnt appreciate jons69mach1 comment because i am and have not ripped anyone off how could i? my first sales are not even over, hateing on people gets u no where, thats what i think. thanks again for the comment.
Welcome to Listia, Amber... best of luck! :) Offering free shipping on light items is a great way to start out - it accomplishes a few things (1) it makes people feel more comfortable with bidding when you're brand new (2) you earn 15 credits just for listing an auction with free shipping (3) it's a great, easy way to develop some feedback so when you list larger items that require shipping, you'll already have feedback so people will feel comfortable bidding on those items, too! :) Again, welcome! Hope to see more from you in the future. :)
thanks for the info, i didn't know that,good looking out. thank a lot:) i don't mail packages very much,so when i first listed some of my things i didn't know how much it would be,i (I also have 4 kids under 6)so i didn't want to have to spend a lot of money shipping stuff,but like i said, the jersey isn't heavy, so i can ship that with no problem. i also didn't know that u get points for shipping free, ty.