FREE: To the Nines~Janet Evanovich~Stephanie Plum novel Hardcover
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The listing, To the Nines~Janet Evanovich~Stephanie Plum novel Hardcover has ended.
hardcover copy of the ninth book in the Stephanie Plum series by Janet Evanovich! Good shape, shipping will be $2 media mail, US ONLY! Thanks for looking and bidding!
Questions & Comments
Are you a Janet Evanovich fan?? OMG these books are sooo good!! I have read them all several times.. Love the stephanie plum novels.. Cant wait for "Sizzling Sixteen" to come out in June !!!
I AM!! I have two copies of this one for whatever reason. I have been just a little behind in my reading, I still have Fifteen to read! I can't decide which guy she should choose either, I love Ranger! Joe, well, not as much, but I still like him : )
mmmmm Ranger or Joe.. I dont think I could decide.. LOL.. I like them equally!! Have you read the In between novels? ( holiday ones) those are good too.. was dissapointed when she didnt have one come out in January.. :( Now I have to wait till June for Sizzling Sixteen.. I am reading Finger licken Fifteen now.. its pretty good :)
I choose Ranger (If I were stephanie : ) I have read all but one of the holiday ones I think. I like them, but most of the story line in them is just catching people up who dont' read the others. I find that a little bit of a turn off, but I still love them : ) I don't have any of them though, need to get back on paperbackswap......we use to have this little used bookstore in our little town, I loved it!! That's where I got most of them, when it closed I cried!
it is, one of my favorites! I couldn't decide whether to get the hard covers or the paperbacks. I hate mixing them, but I have one through 14 in paperback, then stupid me ordered 15 in hardcover. I haven't even read it yet, so maybe I'll wait til 16 comes out, lol!
I think I'll wait for 16 and re read the ENTIRE series, lol. After I finish the sookie stackhouse series......I think I'll listia those too, the tv series is much better...