The listing, HOT Creative Betsey Johnson Cartoon Mini Car Auto Sweater Chain Necklace Blue has ended.
Hot creative betsey johnson cartoon mini car auto sweater chain necklace blue
1.18" wide 1.77 high (charm)
chain : 28.3"
brand new english buggy car charm plus chain super cool piece of jewelry
item will take between 20 -36 business days to arrive by bidding you agree to wait.
msrp: 59.99
paypal only - payment must be sent as payment for shipping and not as payment for the item or it will be returned - i charge what i pay to ship and paypal only charges a fee if the $ is for an actual physical item and doesnt charge a fee if its for shipping,sending $ to friends etc please only message me thru auction page once you win so i know what item - if there is another name on pp act please provide it and once you message me paid i will confirm payment and immediatly ship - my mom has online store and we share paypal so please provide the name on the pp act or i wont know its for you - if pp act in your name just message me u paid. awesome item you will love it! reminds me of a cooper mini car i saw at dealer - super cool dr. who style lol