Fanned and Watching!! i want to get this for my daughter she is getting married July 9th,i didnt think the wedding was going to happen,April 3rd she ahd a very bad car wreck hit a tree head on they estimated 75 to 90 miles per hour,and no drugs or alcohol was involved,she cant remember any of the wreck,but we did determine she had not ate that morning,she is hypoglausemic (dont think thats spelled right) lol'any way she had a collapsed lung broke sternum,her ribs in her upper chest are broken,she was unresponsive for over 15 hours in ICU!! her lung collapsed again with a chest tube in she had to be taken into emergency surgery.oh and her right foot ankle and leg up to her knee has a deep tissue bruise,she spent 7 days in the hospital,if you seen the truck and the tree,you wouldnt think any one survived.I have never in my life been so afraid i was going to lose one of my children,i never want to feel that feeling again,i hope no mother ever has not telling this story for any one to take pity,i only wnat to share the joy in my heart! I stil have my only daughter,sore and bruised,but still alive.I have to confess GOD listen's and he was there when she hit that tree,or she wouldnt be here now.