The listing, Pink Lupine has ended.
Gallery Pink Lupinus polyphyllus
Picture of the exact plant the seeds are harvested from. Blooms for several weeks in the Spring. Listing is for 20+ seeds.
Height 16-20"
Space 12-16"
Zone 4a
These majestic spikes of showy blooms make a bold statement in the landscape - especially in drifts. Cut flowers are long lasting in fresh bouquets.
Culture: Does best in light, well-drained soil. Allow soil to dry between thorough watering. Remove faded blooms or it will self-seed. In the legume family but harmful if eaten.
As a biennial, the plant will produce foliage and store energy the first year. It will then bloom magnificently the second year, seed, and then die. Late bloomers can be real long lasting beauties (like foxgloves).
Seeds can be directly sown outdoors in the fall for spring germination. Nick the seeds with a nail file, do not soak seeds.
Or store the seeds for sowing in early spring, before last frost date. Soak the seeds in room temperature water over night to soften the seed hull. Keep the seedlings in a shady area with moist soil until large enough to transplant. Then transplant them into a sunny permanent area.