Free: 100+ BALSAM SEEDS MIXED COLORS! - Gardening Seeds & Bulbs - Auctions for Free Stuff


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The listing, 100+ BALSAM SEEDS MIXED COLORS! has ended.

100+ seeds of mixed colors

I collected these seeds from my plants last summer and seperated the colors so you will be sure to get some of ALL colors! You will get White, Purple, Rose, Melon (peach) and Pink.

This is another of my most favorite flowers. I plant it EVERY year. The flowers are like little roses growing up the leafy stems looking like full colorful bushes and bloom from spring to frost.

These plants do well in full sun as well as partial shade. They germinate in 5-10 days. You can start indoor and move outdoor when weather permits. They transplant very easily and are very hearty.

To sow seeds outdoor, just loosen the top soil, dampen and then sprinkle the seeds. Pat down the soil and wait.
Once your seedlings are 3 inches high or more you can thin them out.
Because they have a short root system you can replant the ones you pulled into a new area.

As the older blooms die off they will produce little seed pods. The pods will be a darker green, It is best to wait until the pods are more of a yellowish green and the seeds are brown. You also want to cup the seeds as you pull them off the plant because if they are perfectly ready they will pop open with the slightest squeeze. THAT IS WHY THE CHILDREN LOVE TO COLLECT THEM!.
If you harvest some pods that are not quite ready the seeds will be white or light brown. No worries, just leave them out on a counter over night and they will turn brown.
Once your plants begin to produce pods, you will want to check them every 5 days for ripe pods.
Questions & Comments
Im assuming they grow in my area seeing as you live very close to me!! =)
Apr 19th, 2015 at 8:59:10 AM PDT by
Yes. They grow well pretty much anywhere. The far west is much hotter so they would need a little more water. They grow as an anual but you get oh so many seeds from them that you will never need to purchase any more and still have hundreds of seeds to give to friends or sell
Apr 19th, 2015 at 3:48:39 PM PDT by

100+ BALSAM SEEDS MIXED COLORS! is in the Home & Garden | Gardening | Gardening Seeds & Bulbs category