Well let me explain... in case I confused you... just because you get verified doesn't mean it will automatically get A LOT OF BIDS, what I meant is because you're verified, then bidders will feel more secure in bidding on your item so I'm sure it will bring you a LOT OF BIDS... you know what I mean?
davetheman, if you see below your seller name ABOVE and below the box that says "Become a Fan" there are gray badges, if you hover your mouse over them, the dollar sign is to get bank verified then the phone is to be phone verified... This is how you know you get verified, once they are hilited... GO to your 'my listia" on the left of the page is your ACCOUNT, keep look down until you see VERIFY ACCOUNT, clik there, the rest is self explanatory, it will tell you on that page what you have to do... if you do the steps, those badges above will then get hilited! And that will mean this AWESOME item of yours will get A LOT of BIDS! Hope this helps you! and Thanks for putting it up! =) AND I can't see the camera on the back, it's not clear to me if it's a 3g or 4g does this have a camera? Is there anything wrong with it? THANKS again!
go to "MY LIStia" page by cliking your top upper right name, it opens a drop down box, there you choose MY LISTIA... once on that page, on your left column, scroll down until you see VERIFY ACCOUNT and clik on that, once on that page follow their directions... hope this helps =)
Why don't you verify then Dave? How hard is it to verify? I have an iPod and I get on Listia all the time through it. It is exactly as it is as if you would get on the computer so don't make up an excuse that you can't find it.
Okay Dave, why don't you just take a pic with the ipod and a piece of paper with your name on it? Since you took those other pics, you can do this right?
If he's not willing to verify then he's obviously a fake. He's probably scared that if he gives his number to Listia that they will keep calling him if he doesn't send out the iPod. I feel sorry for the person who wins this, because they will be out of so many credits for so long.
@Gothicvamipiress We are dumb? Atleast, we do not go parading around with a profile pic of ourselves sucking someone's face off! Your parents must be so proud. No one said anything about the app! You can get on Safari (the internet browser) and verify there.
dave, WHY can't you verify? At least the telephone portion is EASY! Yes, points would eventually be given back but it's a lot of TIME involved that a lot of bidders don't want their bids to be tied up into and not be able to bid on other stuff... =(
dave get verified... a lot of bidders are not bidding thinking this is a SCAM... i don't know why you're not getting verified? You'll get sooooo many MORE bids for this! but I'm watching for sure... =)