FREE: LIKE NEW CONDITION NINTENDO 2DS Handheld video game system
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The listing, LIKE NEW CONDITION NINTENDO 2DS Handheld video game system has ended.
Like new condition Nintendo 2ds handheld video game system its in excellent condition great only played it once haven't had time for video games lately comes with all the accessories this system plays ds,dsi and 3ds games.
The best of two worlds. The Nintendo 2DS system brings the power of two systems together into a single, affordable package. Play all games-both Nintendo DS and Nintendo 3DS-in 2D. Connect with friends, other players, and wireless hotspots using th e the wireless streetpass and spotpass communicatio
Questions & Comments
I was baby sitting my friends 12 year old a couple of weeks ago. She was bored and so, I pulled my DS out of a drawer (I use often - brain challenge games) and offered it to her. She gave me that disgust sound and said no thanks. I guess it's primitive compared to her iphone apps.
I left it laying on the kitchen table and after a few hours I saw her slowly migrate to the table and finally switch it on. She was glued to my brain teaser games. Old school hand held games can be just as fun as modern smart phone apps or expensive games sets.
I actually still have my old Merlin, Simon, Atari, Sega etc electronic games. They're fun to pull out to play with. I friend of mine offered me $200 for my 2-XL game. If you don't know what 2-XL is.. then you're not a real gamer. Wink :O)