Free: Walt Disney Classic The Rescuers Down Under - VHS - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: Walt Disney Classic The Rescuers Down Under

Walt Disney Classic The Rescuers Down Under
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In the Australian Outback, a young boy named Cody rescues and befriends a golden eagle called Marahuté, who shows him her nest and eggs. Later the boy falls in an animal trap. When McLeach finds one of the eagle's feathers on the boy's backpack, hes overcome with excitement, for he knows that catching an eagle that size would make him rich which was Marahuté's mate. McLeach throws Cody's backpack to crocodiles in order to trick the Rangers into thinking that Cody was eaten, and kidnaps him in an attempt to force him to reveal the whereabouts of Marahute.

A mouse, the bait in the trap, runs off to alert the Rescue Aid Society. A telegram is sent to them in New York, and Bernard and Miss Bianca, the RAS' are assigned to the mission, interrupting Bernard's attempt to propose marriage to Bianca. They go to find Orville who aided them previously, but instead find his brother Wilbur. Bernard and Bianca convince Wilbur to fly them to Australia to save Cody.

Bernard, Bianca, and Jake, knowing that Cody is in great danger, jump onto McLeach's Halftrack to follow him. At Marahuté's nest, the 3 mice try to warn Cody that he has been followed; McLeach arrives and captures Marahute, along with Cody, Jake, and Bianca. On McLeach's orders, Joanna tries to eat Marahuté's eggs, but discovers that theyre just egg-shaped stones. Frightened that McLeach might be angry with her, Joanna drops the stones in water.

McLeach then tries to shoot the rope holding Cody above the water. To save Cody, Bernard tricks Joanna into crashing into McLeach, sending both of them into the water. The crocodiles then turn their attention from Cody to McLeach and Joanna, while behind them the rope holding Cody breaks

Bernard, desperate to prevent any further incidents, proposes to Bianca, who happily accepts while Jake salutes him respect. All of them depart for Cody's home. Elsewhere, Marahuté's eggs finally hatch, much to Wilbur's dismay.
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Walt Disney Classic The Rescuers Down Under is in the Movies & TV Shows | VHS category