The listing, Janet evanovich finger lickin' fifteen NEW has ended.
My fiancé finished this in a day or two. I hate when she buys books. So the status is "NEW"
Scammers buy things from overseas for pennies, and try to make a profit from us by charging outragous shipping,and no matter how many times we ask for free shipping, they refuse. dont get me wrong, if something like tools isnt free shipping, i understand, but a iphone screen protector, or nano silicoln shell, 3-5.00, yeah right. i always do free shipping, no matter what. books, clothes, i spend over 200 a month for shipping, but why do i do it? because i love this site. below is a list of scammers that i have found but listia is checking into hopefully. be careful people. listia is a FREE site, this isnt eBay.
scammers list:
lambmeet- no reply yet, profit 2-3 each
dcw930-once i called them out they blocked me and changed all current items to free ship, look at past activity, Profit was 3.00 each
rhino850- selling .80 fake apple cases for profit of $2.20 a case
TO ALL OTHER SCAMMER OUT THERE, IM LOOKING FOR YOU. IF YOU KNOW OF ANY AND HAVE PROOF, MESSAGE ME. WITH PROOF fan me to stay updated, every update will be marked premium.