Free: lychins coronaria- Rose campion 10 seeds - Gardening Seeds & Bulbs - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: lychins coronaria- Rose campion 10 seeds

lychins coronaria- Rose campion 10 seeds
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The listing, lychins coronaria- Rose campion 10 seeds has ended.

10 seeds Rose Campion plants, (Lychnis coronaria) are easy to grow, clump forming perennials
with felt-like, silvery gray leaves and stems, growing up to 3 ft. tall with a spread of 18".
For about eight weeks in late spring and early summer they produce a profusion
of brightly colored rose-pink or scarlet 1"-1¼" flowers.
Rose Campion plants. These are from my garden.
All Listia rules apply, I have seven days to mail but I usually send out the next day, please do not ask me if they have been mailed, I will post when sent. Thank you and happy bidding.
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lychins coronaria- Rose campion 10 seeds is in the Home & Garden | Gardening | Gardening Seeds & Bulbs category