Free: Playstation3 Mercenaries2 World In Flames - PlayStation Games - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: Playstation3 Mercenaries2 World In Flames

Playstation3 Mercenaries2 World In Flames
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The listing, Playstation3 Mercenaries2 World In Flames has ended.

Excellent condition!!
Mercenaries 2: World in Flames is an explosive open-world action gameset in a massive highly reactive war-torn world. When apower-hungry tyrant messes with Venezuela's oil supply he sparks aninvasion that turns the country into a war zone. But for youinternational crisis is all upside: You are a mercenary andyou profit from chaos. You are not a soldier; you don't haveto play by anyone's rules. You have your own code - you willfulfill the terms of the contract no matter what. If you seeit you can buy it steal it or blow it up. Play your ownway or play with the help of a friend in the new co-op multiplayermode. And remember rule # for mercenaries: Everybody pays.Product Features Massively Open World - Play throughoutthe varied terrains of Venezuela that is larger than all theMercenaries maps bined. Work for the Highest Bidder - Youdecide which factions to work for and when. From one-offpick-up jobs to plex multi-objective missions your choices willdecide how the game progresses and which faction wins the war. New Toys - Over 130 vehicles fromcivilian cars to tanks and choppers plus all the destructive weaponryyou can handle from pistols to rocket launchers. Co-op Multiplayer - Whethersplit-screen or online you no longer have to go it alone. Invite a friend to jump in and help you fight your way to thetop. Next Gen Destruction - Take down anybuilding and see them crumble with fantastic effects - and they can beused to take out enemy forces and change the landscape of thebattlefield. Build Your Own Private Military Company- Recruit other mercenaries to build out your arsenal and options untilyou have the ultimate array of options to play with. Playable Water - Fly over it swimthrough it race across it in boats. No longer just somethingto look at water is an active part of the game.Specifications Players: 1 (2 online) Hard Disk Space: &nb
Questions & Comments
GIN offer accepted?
May 3rd, 2015 at 6:50:25 AM PDT by
Depends on the offer. Msg me
May 3rd, 2015 at 11:40:54 AM PDT by

Playstation3 Mercenaries2 World In Flames is in the Video Games & Consoles | Video Games | PlayStation Games category