The listing, ♡~ NO NO ~♡ THE HAIR REMOVAL SYSTEM has ended.
You will be biding on the NO NO leopard skin print on black, HAIR REMOVAL System.It is brand new still in cellophane it comes with everything you see in the pictures. 1 charger, one buffer pad, 1 cleaning brush, 2- hair removal heads, the smaller one is for your face and neck, the larger one is for your legs, arms, or chest even the MEN out there can use it if they like. Just in time for summer you can get rid of all that UN- wanted hair on you & or the special man in your life. They work great, it also comes with a DVD instruction manual, and it all fit in the little silver travel case. Its RECHARGEABLE and perfect for anywhere just pull it out give yourself a quick shave hair removal is immediate. I asked for one for my birthday and I ended up with two I love mine they work awesomely SO if you tired of the waxing and the pain and the shaving everyday you will love this system it's easy it's quick is painless. and the results last much longer than shaving, waxing, or chemicals( Nair ). The best thing about the No No is it each you use it the hairs will be finer, softer, and even thinner, eventually you won't need to NO NO because it'll have done its job completely and they'll be no more hair to get in the way. You can use it with any skin type, & any hair type. Little Tip: Keep you NO NO charged and if you travle take it with you even if it looks like you won't need it. Why you ask: because you never know when you're going to get that wild crazy straggler that pops up out of nowhere, lol. NO NO is quick, easy, AND wont leave red irritation mark like plucking. . lol