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Case Approach to Counseling and Psychotherapy Paperback
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Nine major counselling theories are applied to a central hypothetical client, Ruth, in this casebook, demonstrating how the approaches are used by practising clinicians. Therapists-in-training are given an opportunity to see the different therapeutic techniques (psychoanalytic, Adlerian, existential, person-centered, Gestalt, family systems, behaviour, cognitive-behaviour, and reality therapy) applied to a single individual. Each of the nine theory chapters includes two cases (Ruth and one other), and commentary from the author and at least one other expert. Among the guest experts are William Glasser (founder of reality therapy), Arnold Lazarus (founder of multimodal therapy), and Albert Ellis (founder of rational emotive behaviour therapy). Each chapter follows a common format that allows readers to compare the approaches. In the final chapter, the author suggests how he would work with Ruth in an eclectic fashion, drawing on all nine approaches.
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