The listing, Bridget Jones' Diary has ended.
Don't judge a good book by its mediocre movie!
This story isn't about Renee Zelweiger, really. It is about Bridget Jones -a single 30-something BritWit who is certain she would have all the answers to life if she could just :
a) lose 7 pounds
b) stop smoking
c) develop Inner Poise
Bridget struggles to keep her life on an even keel -or at least afloat. Whenever her plans meet with disaster, she manages to pick herself up, go out on the town, and tell herself it will be all right in the morning, when life will definitely be different this time and totally alcohol, calorie, and perverted-misogynist free.
Bridget Jones's Diary will make you like yourself for precisely those things you're most ashamed of. And through it all, Bridget Jones will have you helpless with laughter, and shouting, "Bridget Jones is me!"
(...I won't tell anyone if you say it with a silly British accent either. Cheeri-o pip pip!)
This story is a humorous but cutting piece about women's' self-image, the internal and external expectations and pressures placed on our outward appearance, and the absurdly comical lengths to which some will go to obtain/maintain the perfect look. This tale is one most ladies can relate to, and is a perfect, not-too-heavy (no pun intended) and enjoyable spring/summer read.qw