Free: False Nail Art 3D Pink Black Bow Diamond [13 Pcs] - Other Health & Beauty Items - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: False Nail Art 3D Pink Black Bow Diamond [13 Pcs]

False Nail Art 3D Pink Black Bow Diamond [13 Pcs]
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The listing, False Nail Art 3D Pink Black Bow Diamond [13 Pcs] has ended.

False Nail Art 3D Pink Black Bow Diamond [13 Pcs]

These are handmade by me 3D False Nail Art. This set comes with 13 Pieces total ,no glue [Unless GIN]
These nails are a size Small-Medium
-Thumb sz 2-3 [2 pcs]
- Pointer sz 4 [2 pcs]
- Middle sz 3-4 [3 pcs]
- ring sz 5-6 [3 pcs]
- Pinky sz 8 [2 pcs]

My home is smoke free & pet free.
I will leave you feedback once feedback has been provided so I know you received the item and everything is okay.
All Listia rules apply.
I have 7 days to ship the item, I always to try to ship out next day but I can't always. If you can't be patient DON'T BID
If you do not contact or provide a Verified Listia Address within 7 days of auctions end, I will keep your credits & re-list the item. Only accept Paypal!
Questions & Comments
Can you make the pinky size 7? I don't want to bid if they won't fit.
May 19th, 2015 at 11:07:30 AM PDT by

False Nail Art 3D Pink Black Bow Diamond [13 Pcs] is in the Health & Beauty | Other Health & Beauty Items category