you can cure it, and use it as tobacco but this is a wild variety that is a bit stronger than regular cigarette tobacco. some natives use it as cigars. Ive read that medicine men use it in rituals. So it van be smoked but must be cured first. And its a strong variety as tobacco
i would not suggest or recomend u fry it and make cigarettes. I would rrsesch it intentlyonline and even check the library. to learn about it. I dont smoke jusz like the plant. Even with actual tabacco variety, u MUST cure the leaves. So i do not suggest frying and smoking anything. I know that it makes a good bug dezerent. Just mash a few largr fresh leaves and mix with water and spray it on the. bug infested plants. U should always do as much as u can to research. all plants before u ingest them in anyway. U must have great respect that some plants may not be specifically for himan consumtion. Respect the strength of nicotina varieties. Look online in depth.